What’s this? You call this an artist’s statement? Utterly absurd! But, I suppose that’s what you get when you let a “visual artist” do the writing. It would appear that he was too busy with all his ridiculous “puppet/creature making” and “drawing/painting” and “photography/animation” and whatever other “nonsense/tomfoolery” he gets himself up to. Can’t be bothered to jot a few words down for those of us with more literary minds. Want to read a quality statement? Click the imaginary link below and I’ll show you what a top notch “Artist’s Statement “ is supposed to look like. What’s that? Having trouble finding the link? It’s right there… no, no, not on the screen… I told you, it’s imaginary. Incredible!
Visit CJKarchPhotography.com or @cjkarchphoto on Instagram to follow CJ Karch


Contemplation II


Glorious Victory


Epic Battles




The Mystic

The Tulip