I am a graduate of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and have spent the last twenty years in Salem, living and creating under the tallest tree in my neighborhood by the North River. Fortunate to begin my artistic pursuit at Norwich Free Academy in Connecticut with its distinctive arts program, I was able to dig deep into every medium that caught my interest. This developed into years of studying portraiture, painting, woodworking, fibercrafts, and works on paper.
Most recently, my artistic work included the Drawing a Day Project, which spanned five years of making a piece of art every single day. I enjoy working on commissions for tattoo designs, participating in both Lynn and Salem figure drawing groups, and have created a handful of murals for local businesses.
Born with the ‘how hard can it be?’ gene, I believe I can make, mend, or fabricate just about anything. My ongoing passions include restoring my antique house, working locally as a veterinary technician, running my Etsy shop of archival prints, taking care of my rescue dogs and cats, and the endless pursuit of learning new skills for a life consumed by challenges and creativity.